May 30th, 2008: Sunny and warm, Water Temp 74*and Clear. Picked the guys up at 5:30 this morning and set up on main lake 20 to 25 foot flats . We put out 8 planner boards and a bobber rigged with Gizzards and 7 downlines rigged with Herring and Gizz. Had 4 other friends out in their boats also today so I had a good feel for what the fish were doing, which wasn't much. This May has been the poorest May for Striper fishing that I can remember. I look forward to June, the downline bite and catching 20 to 50 fish a morning. We worked our spread for 9 hours today and caught 6 Stripers and a Walleye. Wendle is pictured with the Walleye, Ted and Mark holding the Stripers.
We caught fish equally on boards and downlines today.