April 25th, 2008 : Sunny and Warm, Water Temp 72* and Clear.
This is the second part of my day, had other clients earlier and dropped them off at 2:30 and picked up this motley crew. Brian is a good friend, client and sportsman. He took Joe and Phil out this morning for a successful Turkey hunt and wanted to end the day on the lake turning on his family and friends to a beautiful evening Striper fishing on the lake. We went and caught a few more baits and set up where we caught fish this morning. By now the lake was buzzing with boat traffic , people arriving early for the weekend and Bass boaters practicing for tomorrows tournaments. We pulled the area for 2 hours, getting 8 to 10 hits but only boating 2 or 3 there so we decided to move. We wanted to hit a spawning flat uplake so we went there at 6 pm and put out a dozen baits, pulled the short flat, the fish did not cooperate there so I decided to get the baits up and hit another spawning flat just downlake. We set up on it with an hour of daylight left in the day and started getting hits. We knew we had made the right move and had the possibility of loading the boat. The fish were here and we started putting Stripers in the boat. I made a turn to hit the flat again and worked even shallower. The fish were really turning on now but we kept getting run over by boats and jet skis which would put the fish down. It didn't matter too much, the evening was beautiful, the company and fishing great, clients catching 8 or 10 Stripers to take home for dinner. Brian is a regular client and brings his friend John along usually on the fishing trips. Today is the first day John made it through the trip without Brian or myself reminding him not to set the hook, touch the line and follow the fish. I am not sure if it was because he was sober or the fact that he did not ever grab a rod this evening! Just kidding you John, I know it was too early to drink and you were driving home.
With the lake warming like it has I expect fishing to just get better and better as long as the weather will cooperate. Today we had well over 50 ferocious strikes with many of the fish winning the battle.