Sept 30th, 2008: Cloudy and Pleasant, Water Temp 72* and Clear.
Been away on vacation for a couple of weeks and wanted to go find some fish for my clients this week so I called a good client up and invited him and his friend Berk to go out with me today. He jumped on the offer and they met me at the marina a little after 6 and we went to catch bait. I checked a couple of places seeing a little bait but kept looking till I found what I wanted. Made 5 or 6 casts and caught 40 nice baits. The water temp has dropped 7 or 8* since I was out last so I decided to pull some very shallow flats, points and banks. I set up in an area and made a 1 mile pull, only to almost boat a turd-roller. We made a move to another area and I put out 10 boards and 6 downlines, covering 80 yards wide from top to bottom. Bert broke the ice with a nice Striper soon after we got set up so I decided to pull another mile to see what would happen. We got into some fish finally and put a half dozen fish in the cooler but ran out of bait so we went to catch more. No worries though, I was only 1/4 mile from where I located bait earlier, made 1 cast and put 40 in the tank, made another cast and we were set for the rest of the day for bait. We hit another area for awhile with no success so I decided to duplicate the same pattern that worked earlier and started catching Stripers again. This time the fish were Nailing the baits, some hits were so hard the fish would break the line on the hookup or bury the rod in the water. Poor Berk, he was having issues touching the line and fish getting off and also having problems getting the rod out of the rod holder when a fish would get on, but once I gently explained to him the proper way to avoid those problems he got a little better. Today we had 25 fish on, boated 15 fish, Brian taking a few home to eat.