Picked the guys up at 5 at the dock and went to find bait. 3 hours later we had 40 pieces so we went fishing. Ran into a HUGE school of Stripers, had to be many thousands of them, about 6 or 8 acres at least. Things were pretty simple then, put some baits in their faces and hold on! The depth finder was covered from top to bottom so I tried to set out downlines but before I could get 3 in the water they kept getting hit. I scrambled to keep bait in the water but for 20 minutes all I could do was to keep 3 to 6 lines out before they would hook up. After less than an hour of fishing we had hooked up with 19 Stripers and Alan said he had enough so we reeled them in. They kept 10 to take home. What a difference a day makes!