Sunny and Hot, Water temperature 87* and Clear.
Doug and Kevin went out with me early and caught bait, picked up the rest of the crew at 5:15 and went to catch a little more bait. After filling the tanks with over 150 beautiful baits I showed my crew how to deploy the downlines. We had not left the area where caught bait when I looked at the depth finder and saw a screen of arches. Needless to say we put the lines out and started taking hits. For the next hour fish were blowing up around us and rods were bending over. There was plenty of action that encompassed about a 50 acre area. We caught fish on both downlines and freelines. After working that school we were low on baits so I went and found some on the depthfinder, made a cast and caught 50 more sugar shads. Got on the big motor to look for other schools and just got out of the cove when I saw another school. We set up on them and immediately Ron hooked a Hog, fought it for a minute but it got off. After loosing the school I looked for about 10 minutes and found it again. We put baits on them and worked them for a while. Today was a busy day, we went through about 175 baits, had about 35 hookups and the crew kept a few to take home. We actually lost as many Stripers today as we caught, fish would get hooked up, scream the drag and simply get off.