May 28th, 2009: Sunny and Warm, Water Temperature 77*and Clear.
Picked Greg up at his dock at 4am this morning because he wanted to go help catch bait. We ran uplake , caught 150 baits, went back to the marina and picked up the rest of the crew. I went a short distance , found some fish, stopped, showed and explained the procedure necessary to work downlines correctly. While we were talking Cathy's rod hooked up and she broke the ice with the first Striper of the day. They were ready for some action now so I located a school of fish, we all put the lines down and the madness began. We worked that school for a while then I found another school, and another , and another till we were out of bait, about 8:30. I went and caught more bait, found a couple more schools of fish and proceeded to wear the Stripers out. By 10 o'clock Cathy reeled in our 77th fish of the morning, a good way to end the day. We had a lot of fun this morning, not only catching fish but also joking with each other, and the guys [and Cathy] got to take some delicious fish home to eat.
PS...Greg commented today that he thought I was a grumpy old man, complaining about boaters encroaching on my clients daily in my journal. After setting up for the 4th time, having to move only because inconsiderate so called fisherman would drive right over to us when they saw everyone on my boat reeling in fish and spook the school, Greg realized how rude these people can be. We actually had an idiot driving a Sea Pro who was trolling drive between my boat and another buzzards boat, less than 30 yards apart!
After that episode we moved to an area of the lake where there were no boats, within 5 minutes 5 boats were on us again. There are 9600 acres of water on this lake, probably right now no less than 500 schools of Stripers, why can't people be sportsmanlike enough to simply give me an acre of birth so that my clients can enjoy a peaceful outing on the lake without being harassed?