Tuesday, September 09, 2008

John and Frank Guillard

Sept. 9th, 2008: Cloudy and rain, Water temp 80* and Clear.
Got a late start this morning, didn't leave the marina till 6:30 and it was already getting light. Went to a flat to catch bait but it was too light for it to be balled up well so I headed for another favorite place to catch bait. I came around the corner and saw a couple of acres of Stripers busting so I set up on them, only with artificial. As fate would have it, there were huge fish under the breaking fish and we didn't have any bait to put on them . We all picked up lures and hooked up 9 times in about 10 minutes , the larger fish hitting Spooks. I left the school and flew to get bait, threw about 5 times and put 36 nice baits in the tank, and went back to where we left the fish but could not find them. We fished shallow and deep without catching any more for a couple hours. We found some nicer schools later on in the day, fishing them with boards and downlines but the front must have turned them off somewhat, we would see hundreds of big arches on the screen, put baits in their faces and nothing. Then for some reason right before it started to rain the fish turned on and we had 8 fish hit within 10 minutes, I turned back around and hit the area time and time again, still seeing the fish but they would not bite. Today we caught 15 Stripers and 4 Cats, the guys only keeping a few for dinner and releasing all the others to fight again.

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