September 30th, 2009: Cloudy and Beautiful, Water Temperature 72 to 75*.
Picked the guys up at 6 at High Point and went to catch bait. 3 hours later we finally had enough so we went fishing. Started pulling boards over 5 to 20 foot flats with no luck so I moved deeper with still no hits. Finally got boiled over 10 foot of water then hooked up over 5 foot. Pulled another hour shallow with no luck. I was getting bummed out with the lack of action till we hit an area and boated a fish and lost another. The wind was up today and I hit the area 9 times, every time pulling with the wind we would take a hit and against the wind nothing. It was a long day but The Dan's were happy with the outcome and enjoyed the great weather. A few leaves are starting to turn on the lake and with the nice temperatures it looks like it will be a beautiful fall. Can't wait for bait to get easier and for these fish to turn on. Should be anytime now!