Monday, July 30, 2007

Carl Suits and Phil Smith

July 30th, 2007 : Cloudy and warm, Water temp 88* and clear.
Picked clients up at 5:15 and went and caught 150 Herring. Set up on a 30' ledge and caught a couple of Stripers then moved to a 35' flat and caught a few more. Caught another 150 Herring and searched some deeper flats in 40' but all I could find were scattered fish. Started seeing fish at 25' and decided to hit a 25' hump midlake and it payed off. We used up all of are bait on the hump and ended up catching 17 Stripers and a bunch of Cats. Saw lots of fish today on the graph but only hit 2 schools that would feed.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Blogger: Lake Anna Striper Guide Journal - Publish Status

Blogger: Lake Anna Striper Guide Journal - Publish Status

Bill Polidoro with his Dad and Mother

July 27th, 2007 : Sunny and Hot, Water Temp 84* and Clear.
Met clients at 5:15 and went uplake and caught 220 Herring for the days fishing. Checked a few channel bends in 35' of water but only saw a few fish so I worked my way down till I noticed I kept seeing fish on the breaks from 28' to 32' so I set up on a long ledge and started getting hits. We worked the ledge for 300 yards and got hits every 50 yards , thought we could do better so we started searching for larger schools. Hit a couple of other areas and set up on one channel bend where we spent the rest of the morning. We had 200 strikes today, clients catching 25 fish and keeping a few Stripers and Kitties for dinner tonight.
NOTE: I must have got 8 calls from other fisherman who could not catch fish today. With the water temp climbing , the lake level falling 18 inches in the last week and very little oxygen in the water the Stripers are not gorging themselves like they have been the last 2 months. Most fisherman have been spoiled lately with the easy fishing and now they will have to work for their fish. The days of schools of thousands of fish and just finding a large group of boats and running up to them and catching Stripers may be over for a while. Be patient, be versatile, be persistent, use your depthfinders more hunting for the Stripers, be confident when the fish want to eat that you can catch them.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Doug Holcomb, Konnie Lunasco, Dave Sr., Jr. and Chris Gruner

July 25th, 2007 : Rain and cool, Water temp 81*.

Got a late start this morning, some of the guys got hung up on Wilson Bridge this morning and arrived a 1/2 hour late. Went uplake to catch bait but got busted on the way and 3 other "fisherman" followed me to the creek I was throwing in and after a few minutes of them frothing the water it looked like the surf at the ocean. I could only stand about 10 minutes of that foolishness I went to another creek and made 3 casts and caught about 300 baits and went fishing. Set up on our first school after 7 , all lines went down but needless to say my clients weren't quite ready for that kind of action. By the time we got settled down the fish had moved and so did we. The front hurt fishing this morning and had the schools scattered pretty bad. I spoke to a couple of trollers who fished all morning with poor success. We hit 8 to 10 areas before camping out on a 40' flat and that is where Chris caught the 13 pound Striper. He performed like a pro today and is going to make a good fisherman. We had well over 200 strikes today and the crew took home a few fish to give away.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Senior, Eddie and Jeff

July 24th, 2007 : Sunny and pleasant, Water Temp 83* and Clear.
Picked clients up at 5:30 and caught 200 Herring. Set up on a 35' flat but didn't like what we saw so I motored another 500 yards and found the big school. Put out 8 downlines at 28' and they started going off. The school was a large one but the fish were not super aggressive. Instead of all the lines being constantly buried only 2 or 3 were going off at once. I moved around the school with my trolling motor trying to see if some part of the school wanted to eat more than the other but the action was the same, 3 or 4 strikes a minute. After working this school for an hour I went and caught more bait and found a school of Stripers stacked in a channel bend, put lines out and everything went off. We worked this school for 15 minutes then followed it for a while longer. Today we had about 250 hits, clients catching 30 fish and keeping 16 to take home for the freezer.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Marty, Candice, Brandon and Micheal Robinson

July 23, 2007 : Partly Cloudy and cool, Water temp. 82* and Clear
Picked clients up at 5:30 am at High Point and went and caught 200 Herring. Set up on a mock school just to show them how to put downlines out . After they understood I put them on a large school , set the baits at 30', and the fun began. Didn't take long for the buzzards to find us but we worked on the same school following it up the lake for about 1000 yards. By 10 am we had had 200 strikes, clients keeping this nice stringer of fish and a picture for memories. [ Missed you today Callie ]

Friday, July 20, 2007

Dave, Mark and Ryan

July 20th, 2007 : Sunny and warm, Water temp. 81* and Clear.
Caught bait before daylight and picked clients up downlake at their dock. Checked a few 45' flats downlake and worked my way back up. We set up on 6 or 8 different schools this morning in water depths ranging from 20' deep down to 42' deep. Most of the schools were in channel bends today. Clients had 250 strikes this morning catching 30 fish, keeping a few for a meal.

Monday, July 09, 2007


After fishing 22 days in June with clients catching 940 Stripers [averaging over 40 Stripers per morning] it is finally time for me to take a short break. I am taking off July 10th through July 19th and riding through some of the most beautiful areas of the country. We are starting off in Jackson Hole WY. riding through Yellowstone Park up to Glacier National park. Our travels will take us through MT. and ID. and back to Wy., all on mountain scenic highways.
My wife Jeanne will be taking reservations for fishing while I am gone. She will also be answering my email's for me. Although I am booked through July John still has numerous openings this month to accommodate your needs. See you back on the water on the 20th of this month.

Ace Teneyzk, Eric Fritschler and John Merrill

July 9th, 2007 : Sunny and Hot , Water Temp 85* and Clear.

Picked clients up this morning at 5:15 and went uplake and caught Herring. Caught over 200 and went looking for a school of Stripers. Found a nice school in a channel bend in 35 feet of water , put 8 downlines in their faces rigged with Herring and the action began. Probably a little too much action too early for it was difficult for the guys to keep up with the action. We worked the school for 30 minutes and then looked for another 30 minutes and set up on a school in the mouth of Contrary. We got 10 hits in about 5 minutes but not putting a keeper in the boat I made the decision to move on and find fish that wanted to eat. We hit a 40' flat and stayed on it for an hour or more constantly getting bit. Ran out of bait and went and caught 100 more Herring. Set up on yet another school in 30' of water and every line we had out hooked up all at once. I called John in to help with the school and we ended up our morning there. Today we had well over 200 strikes ,clients catching 30 Stripers, 8 Cats and keeping 15 Very nice Stripers to take home.

Friday, July 06, 2007

George Hussey with friends Paul, Gary and maybe still Tom

July 6th, 2007 : Sunny and Warm, Water temp 83* and Clear.
Caught bait this morning and had to blow an hour waiting on a couple guys so we just sightseed for awhile. Picked rest of clients up at 6:30am and looked for schools of Stripers. There had to be 2 dozen Striper fisherman out this morning and they were pounding everything that I had been fishing this week so I just went away from all the boat traffic and looked in areas that I haven't checked on lately. Knowing there are 100's of schools in the lake I knew it would only take time to locate some fish. I set my clients up first on a small school to show them how to put lines in then moved to another location where I found a school on a ledge. We put out 8 downlines baited with Herring and the action began. Occasionly we had numerous lines down but for the most part of the morning it was just steady action as long as I kept the boat next to the dropoff. I am sure fishing sucked today by listening to all the chatter on the radio and the 5 or 6 friends I knew on the water were not doing well. We hung in there and ending up using every one of our 200+ baits and caught 40 Stripers today by 10 , clients keeping 19 to take home. Tom razzed George pretty hard this morning , seems everyone was catching the same amount of fish until George put suntan lotion on, then his rods saw very little action. I think Tom wanted to take advantage of Georges handicap and was pleased he may finally out-fish George. Paybacks may be Hell Tom!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Senior and Eddie Saghafi

July 5 th, 2007; Sunny and Pleasant, Water temp 83* and clear.

Picked clients up at High Point at 5:30 am and went and caught Herring. Made 3 casts and put 200 in my tank and also caught enough for a friend. Set up on a 24' flat where I saw some broke up fish and caught a couple but I didn't like it enough to stay so we looked elsewhere. I was just getting ready to set out a spread over a school in 30' of water when John hollered out on the radio " Jim come quick, I need help !" Before he unkeyed his mike I was up on plane and went directly to him, sitting down 100 away so as not to spook the school. We put out 8 downlines and the action began with both clients hooking up at once. For the next 45 minutes we stayed over the school and believe it or not the well seasoned crew of two kept up with the action. I pulled off of the fish because buzzards had seen us catching fish and had moved in on us. I moved and they must of thought the fish had left so they left too. We looked for about 10 minutes and went back to the school I saw an hour before and set up on them and for the next hour caught fish after fish after fish. We worked them till we ran out of bait and called it quits for the day. We were off the water around 9 this morning , had 200 strikes catching 35 Stripers and 16 Catfish, keeping 12 Stripers to take home.

Guide John Chadduck with Chris Isenberg

July 5 th, 2007 ;
John and I doubled teamed the fish again this morning ,him and his client catching 14 Stripers. See above entry for details.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sammy and Chris Mountjoy with Mike and Garrett Poole

July 3rd, 2007 : Sunny and Pleasant, Water temp 82* and Clear.
Couldn't catch bait early so I picked clients up and went and caught about 140 Herring in 3 throws and also helped a friend put some bait in his tank. Started searching nearby and hit a few schools in 28' of water. We could stay on them for 20 minutes or so and then I would have to find another school which was pretty simple considering how many fish are in the lake now. We hit a half dozen schools and decided to look somewhere different so I motored away from the crowds and located a school a little deeper in the mouth of a creek. We caught our 20th keeper there and before we could get the other 7 rods in they all hooked up. The crew did extremely well to get the fish in the boat and release all of them alive and well. We caught 30 fish this morning with clients keeping 20 nice Stripers to put on the grill for the 4th of July.