Friday, January 29th, 2010: Cloudy and COLD, Water Temperature 48* and Clear.
Got a call from Nate today at 11am, he had been out with me on Wednesday and was dying to get out this afternoon before the snow storm hit and so was I so I went to the lake to catch bait and he met me at the dock about 2. After throwing for bait for two hours I was frozen so I sat in his warm car for a half an hour to warm up then we hit the water. Bait had been tough so we looked some more and threw some more with no success. About 3:30 I had enough and set out some boards and did a power pull over a few flats. On our first pull we had 3 hook ups and we constantly kept busy either fighting fish, putting lines out or taking fish off the hooks. By 5 we the action slow a little and we called it quits, got our lines in and headed back to the warmth of our vehicles. The gull are diving on a school of bait that is being driven to the surface by a school of Stripers. When we pulled our spread through this area all our baits got hammered. Nate is holding a few of the fish we caught, it was too late to take the time to string up all the fish.