Cloudy and Warm, Water Temperature 82* and Clear.
I have been waiting for the water temperature to hit 80 degrees for the summer bite to turn on and catching 30 Stripers this morning before 8 o'clock ushered the season in for Tony and myself. We decided last night to go out this morning early, catch bait and fish different places where other boats and fisherman would not harass us. Most fisherman just don't realize that boat motors turn fish off [maybe not the punks but the nice fish will not tolerate motors or pressure]. As you can see by the Lowrance pictures we got on them and stayed on them this morning. The top picture shows 3 screens, the left screen is Bottom Lock showing the bottom quarter [10 feet] of the water column. The middle screen is traditional sonar on a 0 to 40 foot scale, the right screen is on side scan looking 80 feet out to either side of the boat. Stripers are the arches on the sonar and dashes on the side scan. The other 2 pictures I took bottom lock off the screen. As you can see by the top picture, there were hundreds of fish around us from 15 to 26 feet deep. Notice we were on concentrated fish but on the lower two pictures we got on larger fish on the outsides of the school. The fish were high enough in the water column to run planner boards and most of the fish in the picture with Tony holding the fish were caught on boards. The problem we had this morning was that we had so much action we could not get many baits out without hooking up. This time of year it is imperative to have at least 4 anglers on board to keep up with the action. I have 2 boats rigged and ready to accommodate groups of fisherman. Call to set up a trip and get in on some of the best action of the year, summertime schooling Stripers.