Monday, August 20, 2012

Looking for Stripers

Cloudy and Cool, Water Temperature 84* and Clear.
I took off last week to spend my grandsons last week of summer vacation with him so I wanted to get back on the water to locate some Stripers for my clients this week. I decided to try something completely different. This morning I caught Gizzards instead of Herring and pulled boards away from all boat traffic. The move paid off, I took 14 hits the first hour of the morning before the resident idiot of the lake found me, nearly running over my boards then circling in front of me for about 15 minutes until he completely had the lake in a froth. I reeled all my baits in and caught some more bait. This time I went where no troller or spooner could mess me up. I put out a spread of boards and downlines and it didn't take long before I was hooked up with rods on both sides of the boat. I had four fish on at once and luckily boated all four fish but two of the lines got tangled. I did not have time to untangle them, I simply cut them off because my other rods were hooked up as well. I boated 14 Stripers in a time frame of about 15 minutes and tried to release them all unharmed. Of the 14 four of the fish were labored after being in the water for a minute so I retrieve the four that are in the picture and kept them for dinner and to give to a friend. The rest swam away immediately and are ready to be caught again.

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