Friday, March 15, 2013

Lowrance HDS 12 Touch

Here are a couple pictures from my new Lowrance. Click on the pics too enlarge.
Both shots are showing the unit set up with 3 screens. The left screen in the top picture is traditional sonar set in a 31 foot scale showing the bottom of the lake at 23 feet deep, two Stripers around 20 feet, a small bait pod at 10 feet, surface clutter from 1 to 5 feet, then my history above on the very top or the page. Note in the history single fish showing up 200 to 300 yards back. Also in the top pic on the upper right side is side scan set at 80 feet either side with the Stripers showing up as vertical lines and the bottom right screen is down scan also showing the school of bait at 10 feet and the Stripers below them.
   The bottom screen shot is a little more active. I am traveling at 2.9 mph and Gizzard Shad are everywhere in major schools. These baits range from 7 to 12 inches long. The side scan also shows the baits well and in the far left side out about 70 feet is the channel ledge. The down scan shot shows the bait as well. The bottom shot was taken at 1:52 pm on Wednesday, 2 hours after a major front blew through. The front had pushed the bait from being scattered earlier in the day to positioning itself right over the channel. I drove through well over 200 yards of nothing but bait. This is usually a bad sign for Striper fishing, when the bait and fish are positioned over the channel they are not feeding.

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