Sunny and Pleasant, Water Temperature 85* and Clear.
This morning we set up at the mouth of a cove expecting Stripers to work on the bait we were seeing in the area. For the first 30 minutes all we could get were short hits but eventually we boated about 6 or 7 Stripers from the area. We looked for a couple hours never finding what I wanted to see stopping occasionally on pods of Stripers but mostly what would bite were the punks. I finally found a good school around 10, put baits out and started boating Stripers but we got punked. John called on the phone and said they had just caught 4 keepers so we got our baits in and headed his way. I stopped along the way and caught 150 more baits so that we would have fresh baits when we found fish. I was hoping the fish would feed this morning but I did not loose my confidence because I knew the major feed today was from 11am to 3 pm. We ended up looking where John was fishing but I did not see but a couple fish and I felt that we could do much better. I continued to look for fish and saw a couple nicer Stripers streaking on my Lowrance so we set out a spread on them. By now it was 11, the time was right , I saw feeding fish on my Lowrance, I had a tank full of Happy Baits, everyone knew exactly what to do and it happened. We had a couple hook ups within 5 minutes of setting up then everything came together. We started getting multiple hookups and for the next 80 minutes we constantly reeled in fish. I lost count of how many fish we caught but within that amount of time we used up every bait we had, and were still catching fish. When our last bait was put out everyone looked at each other and smiled. Earl said he sure wished he had a Cigar to celebrate, I pulled out the humidor and he and Greg fired a couple up. Fish fry at Earls tonight!
This was a great way to end the month of June, my clients caught in excess of 1,ooo Stripers in June. Looks like July fishing should be awesome.