July 12th, 2008: Sunny and Warm, Water Temp 85* and clear.
Got on the water at 4 this morning and caught bait, picked the guys up at 5:30 at High Point. Had a buzzard following me just waiting for me to set up and show him where the fish were. Found a school nearby and showed the crew how to cast to them. Terry's first cast he hooked up and the action began. Jamie hooked up and I hooked up and gave the pole to Sam. All this excitement this early in the morning caught up to Terry and he back lashed a couple of reels. Jamie got a lure hung in the net and after 15 minutes trying to get the lure unhung and rigging other rods the surface action subsided. By now there were 7 boats on us anyway, time to move on. I taught them how to put downlines out, found another school and the resumed the action. We kept hitting schools, catching fish, boats spooking fish, hitting more schools and catching more fish. Today we caught over 30 fish, not bad for a busy Saturday. Still can't stand fishing on the weekends, showing everyone where the fish are.
So the Great One had a buzzard following him just waiting for you to set up and show him where the fish were. And then he had 7 boats on Him.
I was fishing the same parts of the lake you were Jim. Seems to me, every time I turned around. YOU were coming up on ME. You know the way you just come flying in to a cove like you own it! If you see every one else fishing there. You don't have to mark the fish. Just stay on me and I'll mark them for you. I don't mind the Buzzards.
You think Jim, maybe everyone's fishing the same spot's cause thats were the FISH are? Get off your self Dude. I remember the Best Fishing Guide on this lake. He would roll over Laughing if he read this B.S from You. LOL!!!!
Jim, Sounds like McCotter is reading your daily reports. For anyone who actually cares, I fished Sat. and Jim invited me to fish he had found and there were no other boats within site of him when I got there. I had one dude troll right over 2 of my lines. McCotter came over to 3 of the places we were fishing at. Personally, I think he is pretty stupid to let his clients watch Jim And his clients catch so many fish while he just catches a few. Jim, obviously this anonymous guy is jelous, keep up the good work and thanks for your help. Your stringers are always larger and with more fish than anyone elses on the lake and have always been. Can't wait to see High Points site to see what else was caught Saturday. JD
Oh No, Please don't get me wrong JD, We "All" appreciate Jim letting us fish His Lake! Thank You Jim.
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