June 8, 2007 : Sunny and Hot , Water temp 81* and clear.
Got on the water early to catch bait and picked clients up at High Point Marina at 5:30. Set up downlines on a couple of small schools early just to acquaint them to the way we fish. Once they had it down I put them on a large school of Stripers in 35 foot of water and the fun began.We had 8 downlines out and it was all we could do to keep the rods baited. We worked this school for about 20 minutes but after 8 or 10 boats who saw us fishing kept running through the school they turned off. I left there and set up on another school that was just as large and continued to wear the Stripers out. It was going to be very hot today but by 9 o'clock we were back at the marina with this great stringer of Stripers . These guys really did well fishing this morning making very few mistakes and putting most of the fish we hooked up in the boat. Job well done.
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