Partly Cloudy and Warm, Water Temperature warmed to 67* and Clear, No Boat Traffic.
I got out on the water about 3 this morning and caught bait for the day. I picked the crew up at 6:30 and set up over some deep flats. After not doing well we made a move to some shallower flats and all Hell broke loose. Doug hopped on the first fish and before he got it in Bill hooked up. We boated those 2 fish, Will lost 2 or 3 in a row, Jessie boated a fish, Will caught one, and Jason caught one. That kind of action deserved another pass so I turned around and hit it again. Doug and Bill each boated a fish then Jessica hooked into what was to be quite the battle. I noticed the bobber was missing so I told Jessica to reel real fast and once she felt the fish pick up the rod, she did exactly what I said and the fight began. The fish had run halfway to the boat and was nearby my row of boards so I had her try to horse the fish away from the other boards which she was able to do. Then for the next 6 minutes she reeled and reeled and reeled till she could not hardly gain on the fish. I finally suggested to her to hold her rod up, walk toward the front of the boat then come to the back while gaining line on the fish. Her arms were burning and her belly was bruised from the rod butt. When the fish got close to the boat we noticed that in the fight the fish had rolled and had also become foul hooked which made the fight much harder. We snapped some pictures, turned again and hit the flat one more time boating a few more, then I decided to leave the area before we did any more damage to that school. Jessica's jacket looked like she had been slimmed by ghosts out of the Ghost Busters Movie. We hit a couple more areas, had some action but we really did not care much by now, everyone had already had plenty of fish to reel in today. We had a lot of fun today, Doug and Jason are regular clients and knew what to do when a fish got on, Will was a rookie on my boat and we had fun ragging on him loosing so many fish today. He finally caught on and made up for his losses. Jason had about 140 pounds of Striper to work on this afternoon, good thing he bought a new electric fillet knife. It was very nice to fish and not be harassed by boat traffic today, this last weekend was very busy and made weekend fishing tough, as is evident by our pictures.